Assemblymember Jill Dickman

Party: Republican

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Assembly, 2015-2016 and 2021-2025 (first elected in November 2014; after a lapse in service, subsequently elected November 2020)—four regular and five special sessions
  • 2025 SESSION COMMITTEES: Growth and Infrastructure; Legislative Operations and Elections; Ways and Means
  • 2023 SESSION COMMITTEES: Growth and Infrastructure; Legislative Operations and Elections; Ways and Means
  • 2021 SESSION COMMITTEES: Commerce and Labor; Government Affairs; Legislative Operations and Elections
  • 2015 SESSION COMMITTEES: Transportation (Vice Chair); Health and Human Services; Taxation; Ways and Means
  • 2015-2016 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Interim Finance Committee; Commission on Special License Plates; Legislative Commission’s Audit Subcommittee
  • Assistant Majority Whip, North, 2015

Other Achievements

  • Total Resource Industries, Co-owner, 1999-current


  • L'Anse High School, L'Anse, Michigan
  • Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan


Occupation: Business Owner, custom manufacturing
Recreation: Playing the harp, knitwear designer, showing Yorkies
Born: Hancock, Michigan
Spouse: Tom Dickman

Primary Sponsor

AB92 Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-101)
AB122 Makes various changes relating to the confidentiality of certain information. (BDR 20-645)
AB124 Revises provisions relating to public office. (BDR 24-829)
AB129 Revises provisions governing bidding procedures for a homeowners' association. (BDR 10-818)
AB173 Revises provisions relating to judicial office. (BDR 23-102)
AB182 Creates the Legislative Committee on the Reduction of Nonessential State Expenditures. (BDR 17-929)
AB228 Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-100)
AB240 Revises provisions relating to athletics. (BDR 34-179)
AB260 Makes revisions relating to abortion. (BDR 40-211)
AB273 Provides immunity from civil liability to licensed firearm dealers under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-549)
AB275 Revises provisions related to criminal procedure. (BDR 14-548)
AB276 Revises provisions governing the commerce tax. (BDR 32-192)
SB280 Makes an appropriation to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, School of Dental Medicine for cleft and craniofacial health care. (BDR S-746)
AB300 Makes an appropriation for the construction of a veterans and community center in Virginia City, Nevada. (BDR S-1065)
AB372 Revises provisions relating to voting. (BDR 24-620)
AB376 Revises provisions relating to insurance. (BDR 57-1009)
AB383 Establishes provisions relating to programs of high-impact tutoring. (BDR 34-767)
AB421 Provides immunity from civil liability for certain acts and omissions of volunteer security personnel of a religious organization under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-322)
AB436 Revises provisions relating to firearms. (BDR 15-830)
AB437 Provides for the establishment of the Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plan. (BDR 57-103)
AB438 Revises provisions relating to nonemergency medical transportation. (BDR 40-1042)


SCR1 Memorializes esteemed native Nevadan and lobbyist Kathleen “Neena” Laxalt. (BDR R-1028)
SJR10 Urges Congress to take certain actions relating to the therapeutic use of certain psychedelic compounds. (BDR R-801)
AB274 Requires the waiver of certain fees for certain businesses related to veterans. (BDR 7-728)
AB322* Revises provisions relating to kratom products. (BDR 52-763)
AB378 Creates the Alternative Therapy Pilot Program. (BDR 40-820)
AB382 Revises provisions relating to health insurance coverage for biomarker testing. (BDR 57-913)
AB419 Revises provisions relating to applications concerning water. (BDR 48-736)