Assemblyman Edgar Flores

Party: Democratic

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Assembly, 2015-2021 (first elected in November 2014)—four regular and four special sessions
  • 2021 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Commerce and Labor; Education
  • 2019 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Education (Vice Chair); Taxation
  • 2017 SESSION COMMITTEES: Government Affairs (Chair); Education; Taxation
  • 2015 SESSION COMMITTEES: Education; Government Affairs; Transportation
  • 2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of Issues Relating to Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana; Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of Issues Relating to Pretrial Release of Defendants in Criminal Cases
  • 2017-2018 INTERIM COMMITTEES: Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste (Chair); Committee to Conduct an Interim Study Relating to Affordable Housing; Advisory Task Force on School Leader Management


  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), B.A., English
  • William S. Boyd School of Law, UNLV, J.D.


Occupation: Attorney
Born: Las Vegas, Nevada

Primary Sponsor

AJR1 Expresses objection to the transfer of radioactive plutonium to this State. (BDR R-977)
AB125 Revises provisions governing bail. (BDR 14-542)
AB132 Revises provisions governing employment practices. (BDR 53-29)
AB138 Revises provisions governing workers' compensation. (BDR 53-708)
AB175* Prescribes certain requirements for health benefits for the purpose of determining the minimum wage paid to employees in private employment in this State. (BDR 53-866)
AB183 Prohibits certain correctional services from being provided by private entities. (BDR 16-290)
AB190 Revises provisions relating to certain construction. (BDR 28-637)
AB192 Establishes a procedure when certain offenses are decriminalized. (BDR 14-319)
AB193 Revises provisions governing driver authorization cards. (BDR 43-896)
AB195 Revises provisions governing crimes against property. (BDR 15-130)
AB197 Revises provisions relating to consumer practices. (BDR 52-899)
AB203 Revises provisions relating to bail in certain criminal cases. (BDR 14-127)
AB219 Makes various changes relating to education. (BDR 34-673)
SB229 Revises provisions relating to certain businesses. (BDR 54-823)
AB248 Prohibits a settlement agreement from containing provisions that prohibit or restrict a party from disclosing certain information under certain circumstances. (BDR 2-1004)
AB264 Makes various changes relating to relations between state agencies and Indian nations or tribes. (BDR 18-671)
AB267 Provides compensation to certain persons who were wrongfully convicted. (BDR 3-657)
AB275 Makes various changes relating to professional and occupational licensing. (BDR 54-676)
AB280 Revises provisions governing document preparation services. (BDR 19-254)
AB281 Restricts certain state and local law enforcement agencies from performing certain actions relating to immigration enforcement. (BDR 14-898)
AB305 Revises provisions relating to certain financial transactions. (BDR 56-1060)
AB307 Establishes provisions governing the use of a gang database by a local law enforcement agency. (BDR 14-897)
AB325 Revises provisions relating to bail. (BDR 14-118)
AB336 Establishes provisions relating to certain victims of crime. (BDR 16-46)
AB346 Revises provisions governing health care facilities and child care facilities. (BDR 40-846)
SB350 Revises provisions relating to Nevada Promise Scholarships. (BDR 34-308)
AB376 Revises provisions relating to persons in custody. (BDR 16-675)


ACR3 Memorializes former Assemblyman Bob Price. (BDR R-971)
AJR4 Urges the President and the Congress of the United States to pass acts to combat illegal harvesting and trafficking of human organs. (BDR R-92)
AJR6 Urges Congress to prevent the United States Census Bureau from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 decennial census. (BDR R-279)
SCR7 Celebrates the sister state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1266)
SCR8 Memorializes former Nevada Attorney General and Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Springer. (BDR R-1259)
ACR9 Celebrates the Life of Assemblyman Odis “Tyrone” Thompson. (BDR R-1291)
AB136 Makes various changes relating to public construction. (BDR 28-145)
SB143 Repeals, revises and reenacts provisions relating to background checks for certain sales or transfers of firearms. (BDR 15-755)
AB144 Proposes to exempt sales of diapers from sales and use taxes and analogous taxes upon approval by the voters. (BDR 32-275)
AB155 Revises provisions governing the eligibility requirements for grants awarded under the Silver State Opportunity Grant Program. (BDR 34-674)
AB159 Establishes the Governor's Advisory Council on Food Security within the Department of Health and Human Services. (BDR 18-830)
AB173 Revises provisions relating to the repair of motor vehicles. (BDR 57-835)
AB174 Establishes the Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing. (BDR 18-94)
AB178 Provides for transferable tax credits for the rehabilitation of historic buildings. (BDR 32-297)
SB178 Creates the Council on Food Security and the Food for People, Not Landfills Program. (BDR 18-57)
AB179 Revises provisions relating to public works. (BDR 28-622)
AB181 Revises provisions governing employment attendance practices. (BDR 53-833)
AB189 Revises provisions relating to warrants for the search of a person. (BDR 14-958)
AB246 Revises provisions relating to business entities. (BDR 18-996)
AB254 Revises provisions relating to sickle cell disease and its variants. (BDR 40-20)
SB266 Provides for the establishment of a program to provide certain training relating to behavioral health. (BDR 39-550)
AB294 Makes various changes concerning graduation requirements for certain pupils who experience instability concerning residence. (BDR 34-1022)
AB295 Revising provisions governing sexuality education in public schools. (BDR 34-811)
AB304 Revises requirements relating to class sizes in public schools. (BDR 34-930)
AB306 Enacts provisions to assist veteran-owned businesses to create cooperatives. (BDR 7-288)
AB315 Requires the expungement of all records relating to the wrongful arrest of a person in certain circumstances. (BDR 14-831)
AB326 Provides for tax credits for certain business entities that invest in certain fresh food retailers located in underserved communities and similar areas. (BDR 18-318)
SB336 Requires the Governor to annually proclaim July 28 as Buffalo Soldiers Day in the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-791)
AB339 Revises provisions relating to wages paid to certain persons who participate in job and day training services. (BDR 39-104)
AB347 Revises provisions governing business associations. (BDR 7-554)
AB348 Makes various changes related to working conditions at certain medical facilities. (BDR 53-843)
AB363 Revises certain provisions relating to homeless youth. (BDR 43-1033)
AB374* Requires the Department of Health and Human Services, if authorized by federal law, to establish a health care plan within Medicaid for purchase by persons who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid. (BDR 38-881)
AB399 Provides for the establishment of a retirement savings program for private sector employees. (BDR 31-606)
AB408* Revises provisions relating to Medicaid and health insurance. (BDR 38-957)
AB410 Revises provisions relating to orders for protection. (BDR 3-176)