Assemblywoman Victoria A. Dooling

Party: Republican

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Assembly, 2015 (first elected in November 2014)
  • 2015 SESSION COMMITTEES: Education; Government Affairs; Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining; Transportation

Other Achievements

  • Owner, garment design manufacturing company
  • Sales and Marketing Director, NYSE listed company


  • Nevada State Republican Party
  • Clark County Republican Party, five years
  • Nevada State Representative, American Rosie the Riveter Association national women's group
  • Freedom Works
  • Vote Your Values
  • Political activist for southern Nevada


  • William Howard Taft High School, Woodland Hills, California
  • LA Pierce College, Woodland Hills, California


Occupation: Manufacturing, sales, and consulting
Recreation: Clothing design and cooking
Born: 1944, Houston, Texas
Spouse: Richard
Children: Todd, Candace

Primary Sponsor

AJR10 Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise provisions relating to the compensation of certain elected officers. (BDR C-1068)
AB109 Requires an employee organization to prepare an annual report concerning the dues, expenditures, compensation and other finances of the employee organization. (BDR 23-929)
SB183 Makes various changes relating to the Nevada Transportation Authority. (BDR 58-717)
SB184 Revises provisions concerning the Nevada Transportation Authority. (BDR 58-716)
AB238 Revises provisions relating to the solicitation of bids for a homeowners' association project. (BDR 10-808)
AB240 Revises provisions governing common-interest communities. (BDR 10-821)
AB248 Revises provisions governing reporting of information by physicians to the Department of Motor Vehicles concerning patients with epilepsy. (BDR 40-930)
AB282 Revises provisions governing real property. (BDR 3-855)
SB290 Revises provisions governing academic standards in public schools. (BDR 34-678)
AB321 Revises provisions relating to school police officers. (BDR 34-925)
AB351 Revises provisions relating to projects to benefit charter schools. (BDR 34-1012)
AB352 Revises provisions relating to concealed firearms. (BDR 15-1070)
AB356 Prohibits certain unlawful acts. (BDR 3-844)
AB366 Revises provisions relating to the use of certain motor vehicle fuel taxes. (BDR 32-927)
AB375 Revises certain provisions concerning public schools. (BDR 34-806)
AB376 Revises provisions relating to charter schools. (BDR 34-809)
AB378 Revises provisions governing the financial support of charter schools. (BDR 34-807)
AB386 Revises provisions relating to real property. (BDR 3-921)
AB408 Enacts provisions relating to certain uses of land and the exercise of law enforcement authority in this State. (BDR 26-1060)


SJR1 Urges Congress to enact legislation transferring title to certain public lands to the State of Nevada in accordance with the report prepared by the Nevada Land Management Task Force. (BDR R-451)
AJR1 Recognizes the strategic partnership and bond of friendship with, and expresses the Nevada Legislature's support for, the State of Israel. (BDR R-525)
ACR3 Honors Nevadans who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terrorism. (BDR R-202)
ACR4 Memorializes former Assemblyman Joseph “Joe” Michael Hogan, Sr. (BDR R-1260)
ACR5 Memorializes former Assemblyman Peter L. “Pete” Livermore. (BDR R-1259)
SCR8 Commemorates the 30th anniversary of the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1265)
SJR15 Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to require proof of identity to vote in person. (BDR C-850)
AB120 Clarifies rights of public school pupils regarding the free exercise of religion and freedom of expression. (BDR 34-520)
AB122 Establishes “Nevada Mid-Century Architecture Day” as a day of observance. (BDR 19-538)
AB123 Designates the square dance as the official dance of the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-677)
AB139 Revises provisions governing the issuance of permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-522)
AB140 Revises provisions governing certain domestic relations matters involving veterans with a service-connected disability. (BDR 11-519)
SB145 Authorizes a nonresident who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States and is stationed in Nevada to enroll in the Program for the Education of Motorcycle Riders. (BDR 43-71)
AB148 Revises provisions governing firearms. (BDR5-242)
AB149 Revises provisions governing retaliatory action by certain persons in common-interest communities. (BDR 10-815)
AB167 Authorizes the storage and carrying of firearms and ammunition on the premises of a family foster home or by certain persons who reside in a family foster home under certain circumstances. (BDR 38-234)
AB177 Revises provisions governing elections. (BDR 24-627)
AB179 Revises provisions governing personal information. (BDR 52-756)
AB180 Revises provisions governing the biennial audit requirements for the Public Employees' Retirement System. (BDR 23-569)
AB185 Revises provisions governing product liability. (BDR 3-856)
AB186 Revises provisions governing craft distilleries. (BDR 52-854)
AB187 Revises provisions governing the selection of providers of health care. (BDR 53-898)
AB208 Revises provisions governing certain sexual offenses. (BDR 14-233)
AB217 Revises provisions governing off-highway vehicles. (BDR 43-994)
AB249 Makes various changes relating to collective bargaining. (BDR 23-521)
SB261 Makes various changes relating to certain research facilities. (BDR 50-56)
AB266 Requires proof of identity for voting. (BDR 24-919)
AB269 Revises provisions governing professional licensing. (BDR 54-899)
AB281 Creates a statutory subcommittee of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice. (BDR 14-243)
AB287 Prohibits a person from making or causing to be made certain nonemergency telephone calls under certain circumstances. (BDR 15-922)
AB312 Revises provisions governing the Public Employees' Retirement System. (BDR 23-975)
AB357 Revises provisions relating to the prohibition against the ownership, possession and control of firearms by certain persons. (BDR 14-846)
AB358 Revises provisions relating to access by patients to certain investigational drugs, biological products and devices. (BDR 40-845)
AB487 Revises provisions governing firearms. (BDR 5-1279)