Assemblyman Tyrone Thompson

Party: Democratic

Legislative Service

  • Nevada Assembly, 2013-2015 (Appointed April 2013)—two regular and two special sessions
  • 2015 SESSION COMMITTEES: Health and Human Services; Judiciary; Legislative Operations and Elections
  • 2013 SESSION COMMITTEES: Health and Human Services; Judiciary; Legislative Operations and Elections; Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining

Honors and Awards

  • Community Leadership Award, Las Vegas Soul Fest, 2014
  • President Obama Volunteer Service Award, 2011
  • Warriorship Award, Guardian Quest Diversity Champion, 2007
  • Community Enrichment Award and National Points of Light, Community Volunteer from the Volunteer Center of Southern Nevada, 2006
  • NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet Award, 2003
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee President's Award for Community Involvement, 2000
  • Distinguished Gentleman in Southern Nevada, 2000
  • Outstanding Court Appointed Special Advocate Award, 1998
  • President's Prize, Northern Arizona University, 1989

Other Achievements

  • Graduate, Council of State Governments (CSG West) Western Legislative Academy, 2014
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade Judge, 2012-2013
  • Salutatorian, Greater New Jerusalem Baptist Church School of Ushering, 2011
  • Student Body President, Valley High School, 1985


  • Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), 1997 to present
  • Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC), Co-chair, 2010-present
  • Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH), Council Member 2014-2015
  • National Forum for Black Public Administrators, Board Member and Past President, 2005-2013
  • Las Vegas METRO Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Las Vegas Co-curriculum and Curriculum Chair, 2011-2012
  • American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), Board Member, 2006-2008
  • Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, participant, 2005
  • City of Las Vegas, Community Development Block Grant Recommending Board (CDRB), Board Member and Chairman, 2001-2004
  • Las Vegas METRO Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Las Vegas graduate, 2003
  • North Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, 2000-2003
  • Taste of North Las Vegas Planning Committee, Member, 2000-2003
  • North Las Vegas Steering Committee, Vice Chair, Government Affairs 2000-2002


  • Laura Dearing Elementary School
  • Jo Mackey Sixth Grade Center
  • Helen C. Cannon Jr. High School
  • Valley High School
  • Northern Arizona University, B.S., Criminal Justice
  • University of Phoenix, M.A., Organizational Management


Occupation: Public Administrator
Recreation: Community Mediation, Journaling, Volunteering
Born: 1967, North Las Vegas, Nevada
Children: Godsons: Rylan and Jace Witt

Primary Sponsor

SJR9 Expresses support for continued enforcement action against voting discrimination. (BDR R-7)
AB93 Revises provisions relating to the continuing education required to renew certain licenses and certificates. (BDR 54-27)
AB152 Enacts certain requirements governing child care facilities. (BDR 38-623)
AB155 Revises provisions governing the issuance of special license plates for retired professional firefighters. (BDR 43-619)
AB156 Revises provisions governing family resource centers. (BDR 38-209)
AB178 Revises provisions governing the discipline of pupils. (BDR 34-248)
SB187 Revises provisions concerning the ownership, possession and control of firearms by certain persons. (BDR 3-871)
SB190 Revises provisions relating to employment. (BDR 18-785)
AB201 Revises provisions governing eminent domain. (BDR 3-960)
AB205 Requires the Legislative Committee on Education to consider matters relating to certain mentorship programs. (BDR S-116)
SB215 Makes various changes relating to student loans. (BDR 18-933)
AB218 Revises provisions relating to emergencies in schools. (BDR 34-666)
AB225 Revises provisions governing programs for reentry of offenders and parolees into the community. (BDR 16-45)
AB232 Revises provisions governing health districts. (BDR 40-694)
AB234 Enacts provisions related to multicultural education. (BDR 34-102)
SB236 Revises provisions relating to the Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. (BDR 34-655)
AB236 Enacts provisions related to the promotion of public engagement by state agencies. (BDR 18-697)
AB243 Revises provisions relating to testing for the human immunodeficiency virus. (BDR 40-117)
AB294 Enacts provisions relating to suicide prevention for veterans. (BDR 37-692)
SB314 Revises provisions governing certain health districts. (BDR 40-957)
SB316 Revises provisions relating to voter registration. (BDR 24-652)
AB348 Revises provisions governing the consideration of the criminal history of an applicant for employment by the State or a county or city. (BDR 23-1053)
AB350 Provides for certain credits against the modified business tax for taxpayers who donate money to an early childhood education scholarship organization. (BDR 38-1057)
AB364 Revises provisions relating to the state business portal. (BDR 7-696)
SB371 Revises provisions governing the use of apprentices on public works. (BDR 53-671)
SB399 Creates the Nevada Boost Grant Program. (BDR 34-890)


AJR1 Recognizes the strategic partnership and bond of friendship with, and expresses the Nevada Legislature's support for, the State of Israel. (BDR R-525)
ACR3 Honors Nevadans who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terrorism. (BDR R-202)
ACR4 Memorializes former Assemblyman Joseph “Joe” Michael Hogan, Sr. (BDR R-1260)
ACR5 Memorializes former Assemblyman Peter L. “Pete” Livermore. (BDR R-1259)
SCR8 Commemorates the 30th anniversary of the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and Taiwan. (BDR R-1265)
AB122 Establishes “Nevada Mid-Century Architecture Day” as a day of observance. (BDR 19-538)
AB124 Revises provisions governing punishment for crimes. (BDR 4-182)
SB145 Authorizes a nonresident who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States and is stationed in Nevada to enroll in the Program for the Education of Motorcycle Riders. (BDR 43-71)
AB153 Revises various provisions related to sexually exploited children. (BDR 5-622)
SB164 Revises provisions prohibiting certain discriminatory acts. (BDR 18-59)
AB179 Revises provisions governing personal information. (BDR 52-756)
AB194 Revises provisions governing historic preservation. (BDR 33-246)
AB206 Revises provisions relating to certain notices provided to the parent or guardian of a pupil who attends a public school. (BDR 34-740)
AB207 Makes various changes to provisions relating to the enforcement of judgments. (BDR 2-738)
AB226 Revises provisions for the payment of certain undergraduate fees and expenses of certain dependent children. (BDR 34-1010)
AB235 Requires an employer to provide paid sick leave to each employee of the employer under certain circumstances. (BDR 53-1059)
SB259 Requires an employer to provide paid sick leave to each employee of the employer under certain circumstances. (BDR 53-973)
SB261 Makes various changes relating to certain research facilities. (BDR 50-56)
AB276 Provides certain protections and services for victims of human trafficking. (BDR 16-1005)
AB278 Revises provisions governing class-size reduction. (BDR 34-749)
AB279 Revises provisions concerning controlled substances. (BDR 40-775)
AB281 Creates a statutory subcommittee of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice. (BDR 14-243)
SB284 Requires the State Plan for Medicaid to provide for certain nonmedical transportation. (BDR 38-974)
AB289 Directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to conduct an interim study concerning issues related to the provision of mental health services. (BDR S-693)
AB291 Makes an appropriation for school districts to provide early childhood education programs. (BDR S-273)
AB304 Revises provisions relating to employment. (BDR 18-1067)
AB311 Makes various changes to the regulation of residential mortgage bankers, mortgage brokers, mortgage loan originators and mortgage servicers and enacts the Nevada Private Money Real Estate Loan Act. (BDR 54-668)
AB318 Revises provisions governing financial services. (BDR 52-245)
AB327 Makes an appropriation to the Eighth Judicial District Court for a Veterans Court Coordinator. (BDR S-1026)
AB329 Requires members of the executive board of a unit-owners' association to complete certain courses of instruction. (BDR 10-744)
AB341 Revises provisions relating to pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-832)
AB357 Revises provisions relating to the prohibition against the ownership, possession and control of firearms by certain persons. (BDR 14-846)
AB363 Provides an additional benefit option for the surviving spouse or survivor beneficiary of certain deceased members of the Public Employees' Retirement System. (BDR 23-1056)
SB370 Revises provisions relating to barbering. (BDR 54-673)
SB379 Provides for the investigation of complaints concerning certain providers of services pursuant to the State Plan for Medicaid. (BDR 38-1019)
AB386 Revises provisions relating to real property. (BDR 3-921)
SB397 Revises provisions relating to the funding formula for K-12 public education. (BDR 34-563)
SB398 Prohibits the sale or transfer of ivory under certain circumstances. (BDR 52-1022)
SB400 Creates the Nevada Advisory Commission on Immigration and Migration. (BDR 18-888)
SB401 Revises provisions relating to notaries public and document preparation services. (BDR 19-895)
SB402 Makes various changes concerning the prevention and treatment of obesity. (BDR 40-891)