[Rev. 11/22/2013 9:28:50 AM--2013]

[NAC-505 Revised Date: 2-98]


505.010            Definitions.

505.100            Fur dealer’s license: Application; duration.

505.110            Records and reports.




      NAC 505.010  Definitions. (NRS 505.010)  As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

     1.  “Fur dealer” means any person engaging in, carrying on, or conducting wholly or in part the business of buying or selling, trading or dealing, within the State of Nevada, in the raw skins or pelts of any wild mammal.

     2.  “Wild mammal” means any animal classified in a regulation of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners as a game mammal, fur-bearing mammal or unprotected mammal.

     [Bd. of Wildlife Comm’rs, No. 28 § 1, eff. 9-25-79]—(NAC A 8-21-97)

      NAC 505.100  Fur dealer’s license: Application; duration. (NRS 505.010)

     1.  An application for a fur dealer’s license may be submitted to any office of the Department of Wildlife. The applicant must include on the application for a fur dealer’s license:

     (a) The name of the applicant;

     (b) The physical and mailing addresses of the applicant’s residence and place of employment;

     (c) The telephone numbers of the applicant’s place of employment and residence;

     (d) The applicant’s driver’s license number, if he has been issued a driver’s license;

     (e) The applicant’s date of birth;

     (f) The name of each state in which the applicant holds or has held similar licenses or permits;

     (g) If the applicant has been convicted of violating the laws or regulations relating to the commercialization of wildlife of any state or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service within the 5 years immediately preceding the date of the application:

          (1) A description of each violation;

          (2) A description of the penalty imposed for each such violation; and

          (3) The name of the state in which the conviction occurred;

     (h) Whether, at the time of the application, the privileges granted to the applicant by another state relating to fur dealing are suspended or revoked;

     (i) The name and date of birth of each additional buyer who will be authorized by the applicant to buy and deal fur pursuant to the applicant’s fur dealer’s license and:

          (1) The name of each state in which the buyer holds or has held similar licenses or permits;

          (2) If the buyer has been convicted of violating the laws or regulations relating to the commercialization of wildlife of any state or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service within the 5 years immediately preceding the date of the application:

               (I) A description of each violation;

               (II) A description of the penalty imposed for each such violation; and

               (III) The name of the state in which the conviction occurred; and

          (3) Whether, at the time of the application, the privileges granted to the buyer by another state relating to fur dealing are suspended or revoked; and

     (j) The applicant’s signature and the date on which the application was signed.

     2.  The license expires on June 30 of each year.

     [Bd. of Wildlife Comm’rs, No. 28 § 2, eff. 9-25-79]—(NAC A 8-21-97)

      NAC 505.110  Records and reports. (NRS 505.010)

     1.  Each fur dealer shall keep a record of the number and kind of raw skins or pelts of wild mammals bought, sold or traded within this State, the dates of the purchases, and the name, address and license number of the trapper who legally took the mammals. This information must be recorded at the time of purchase on the forms provided by the Department of Wildlife. A person who is authorized to enforce the provisions of title 45 of NRS may inspect the records at any reasonable hour.

     2.  The fur dealer shall submit the record for the preceding 12 months to the Department no later than 30 days after the expiration of the fur dealer’s license. Any fur dealer who fails to submit the record may be denied a fur dealer’s license for 2 years.

     [Bd. of Wildlife Comm’rs, No. 28 § 3, eff. 9-25-79]—(NAC A 4-27-84, eff. 5-25-84; 8-21-97)