SCR2 |
Commemorates the 20th anniversary of the donation of precious art from the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the people of the State of Nevada, reaffirms the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and the Republic of China (Taiwan) and celebrates the donation of additional artwork to the Nevada Legislature under the Nevada Senate's SENarts initiative. (BDR R-695) |
SR4 |
Amends the Standing Rules of the Senate for the 77th Session of the Legislature. (BDR R-998) |
ACR4 |
Honors Nevadans who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terrorism. (BDR R-246) |
SR5 |
Inducts Sue Wagner into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1204) |
ACR5 |
Memorializes former Assemblyman John W. Marvel. (BDR R-1211) |
SJR5 |
Urges Congress to pass the Marketplace Fairness Act. (BDR R-697) |
SCR5 |
Commemorates the 150th anniversary of the State of Nevada. (BDR R-613) |
AJR6 |
Recognizes Nevada's partnership and friendship with, and expresses support for, the State of Israel. (BDR R-458) |
ACR6 |
Expresses appreciation to the staff of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. (BDR R-1219) |
SR6 |
Inducts Bernice Mathews into the Senate Hall of Fame. (BDR R-1203) |
SCR6 |
Memorializes former State Senator William J. Raggio. (BDR R-622) |
SR7 |
Expresses appreciation to the staff of the Senate. (BDR R-1215) |
SR8 |
Recognizes former State Senator Wilbur Faiss for his distinguished service to the State of Nevada and his exemplary life achievements. (BDR R-1216) |
ACR8 |
Memorializes John J. McDonald. (BDR R-1231) |
SCR10 |
Memorializes former University Regent Dorothy Gallagher. (BDR R-1238) |
SJR15 |
Urges Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform. (BDR R-1208) |
AB89 |
Authorizes the formation of benefit corporations. (BDR 7-28) |
SB115 |
Revises provisions relating to safety equipment for certain skateboarders. (BDR 40-474) |
AB119 |
Revises provisions relating to the certification of public accountants. (BDR 54-655) |
AB126 |
Requires the disclosure of certain nutritional information in certain chain restaurants. (BDR 51-81) |
SB139 |
Expands provisions governing criminal and civil liability for certain crimes to include crimes motivated by the victim's gender identity or expression. (BDR 15-703) |
AB142 |
Revises provisions relating to the sealing and removal of certain records. (BDR 14-490) |
SB143 |
Revises provisions governing certain examinations for driver's licenses. (BDR 43-696) |
AB159 |
Establishes a diversion program for certain defendants. (BDR 14-669) |
SB163 |
Requires certain schools in this State to provide pupils with instruction in civics. (BDR 34-667) |
SB164 |
Revises provisions governing safe and respectful learning environments in public schools. (BDR 34-454) |
SB165 |
Provides for transferable tax credits to attract film and other productions to Nevada. (BDR 32-781) |
SB173 |
Makes appropriations to the Knowledge Fund. (BDR S-534) |
SB177 |
Authorizes a board of county commissioners to adopt an ordinance prohibiting a minor from committing certain acts relating to the possession and use of tobacco products. (BDR 5-689) |
SB178 |
Authorizes the Nevada Silver Haired Legislative Forum to request the drafting of not more than one legislative measure for each regular session of the Legislature. (BDR 17-924) |
SB191 |
Increases the maximum speed at which a person may drive or operate a vehicle. (BDR 43-729) |
SB192 |
Enacts the Nevada Preservation of Religious Freedom Act to prohibit governmental entities from substantially burdening the exercise of religion. (BDR 3-477) |
SB202 |
Creates the Nevada Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations as a statutory committee. (BDR 19-905) |
AB227 |
Creates the Nevada Land Management Task Force to conduct a study addressing the transfer of certain public lands in this State. (BDR S-594) |
SB236 |
Revises provisions governing state agencies. (BDR 19-769) |
AB255 |
Provides for an audit concerning the use by the Department of Health and Human Services of certain assessments paid by counties to the Department. (BDR S-191) |
SB266 |
Revises provisions governing coverage for chemotherapy in a policy of health insurance or health care plan. (BDR 57-879) |
SB269 |
Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-892) |
SB299 |
Revises provisions governing falconry. (BDR 45-589) |
SB303 |
Provides for the issuance of driver authorization cards. (BDR 43-596) |
SB308 |
Clarifying provisions governing certain tax exemptions for veterans. (BDR 32-644) |
AB334 |
Provides certain exemptions from provisions relating to contractors. (BDR 54-921) |
SB338 |
Changes the term “mental retardation” to “intellectual disability” in NRS. (BDR 39-52) |
SB344 |
Revises provisions relating to the education of certain children who are patients or residents of certain hospitals or facilities. (BDR 34-933) |
SB345 |
Creates the Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. (BDR S-700) |
AB352 |
Revises provisions governing hoax bombs. (BDR 15-510) |
SB363 |
Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to establish the Advisory Council on Diabetes Care, Prevention and Awareness. (BDR 40-90) |
SB390 |
Requires the development of a hydraulic fracturing program for the State of Nevada. (BDR 46-929) |
SB410 |
Revises provisions governing hypodermic devices. (BDR 40-451) |
SB412 |
Makes an appropriation to the Nevada System of Higher Education to allow senior citizens to audit college classes for a nominal fee. (BDR S-1048) |
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