

No.                                                                                                                                       Title                                                                                 Page


1....... Proposing to amend the Constitution of the State of Nevada to provide a citizens’ commission to establish the salaries of certain elected officers, to remove the requirement that the system for county and township government be uniform, to remove the requirement that the Legislature fix the compensation of certain county officers, to authorize the Legislature to provide for the appointment of certain county officers and to require each board of county commissioners to determine the salaries of certain county officers in its respective county.  Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1—Joint Rules Committee............................ 389


2....... Providing for the appointment of attachés.  Assembly Resolution No. 1—Assemblyman Perkins................................................................. 392


3....... Adopting the Rules of the Assembly for the 17th Special Session of the Legislature.  Assembly Resolution No. 2—Assemblyman Perkins. 392


4....... Providing that no allowances will be paid for the 17th Special Session of the Legislature for periodicals, stamps, stationery or communications.  Assembly Resolution No. 3—Assemblyman Perkins..................... 400


5....... Establishing the Governor’s Task Force on Tax Policy in Nevada.  Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1—Joint Rules Committee400


6....... Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study concerning misdemeanors.  Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 2—Joint Rules Committee................................................................ 401


7....... Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of issues regarding the death penalty and related DNA testing.  Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3—Joint Rules Committee................ 402


8....... Proposing to amend the Constitution of the State of Nevada to provide requirements for the enactment of property and sales tax exemptions.  Senate Joint Resolution No. 1—Joint Rules Committee............... 404


9....... Adopting the Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly for the 17th Special Session of the Legislature.  Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1—Senators Raggio and Titus................................................................. 405


10..... Adopting the Rules of the Senate for the 17th Special Session of the Legislature.  Senate Resolution No. 1—Senator Raggio................. 414


11..... Providing for the appointment of attachés.  Senate Resolution No. 2—Senators Raggio and Titus................................................................. 423


12..... Providing that no allowances will be paid for the 17th Special Session of the Legislature for periodicals, stamps, stationery or communications.  Senate Resolution No. 3—Senators Raggio and Titus.................... 423